Help make camp happen!

Camp Quest Chesapeake is run on your support! Any amount you can give will help us pull off another incredible summer session. Thank you!


As a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, donations to Camp Quest Chesapeake are tax-deductible. Donations help us make camp the fun, inclusive environment that it is! Here are just some of the things your donation could help us with:

  • Ensuring that finances are never a barrier to a child attending camp, by enabling us to fully fund all campership requests

  • Hiring an accountant to manage our bookkeeping and paperwork (some things are better left to the professionals!)

  • Bringing in speakers on topics related to camp but outside our volunteers’ expertise

  • Replacing old or malfunctioning equipment, like the radios that have served us well but are on their last legs

  • Providing travel assistance to volunteers coming from other parts of the country to help make camp happen

  • Holding more community building events during other times of the year

  • And many, many, many other wonderful and worthwhile things!