Registration and Payment Policies
Camp Quest Chesapeake (CQC) will generally open registration for the following summer on or about January 1 of a given camp year. Should there be any changes to this schedule, CQC will notify families with as much notice as possible via mailing list and other public channels (e.g. the CQC website, CQC social media pages, etc.)
Camp registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis until such time as sessions are fully enrolled, at which point prospective campers will be given the option to be placed on a waitlist.
Registered campers (i.e., those who are not placed on a waitlist) must pay a $200 deposit at the time of registration. This deposit is non-refundable and secures the camper’s spot at camp.
Families may pay the remainder of camp tuition in a lump sum or pursuant to a payment plan to be set up during registration. Monthly and other deferred payment options are available by default during registration.
Full tuition must be received no later than 30 days before the start of the reserved camp session or the reservation will be cancelled and the refundable portion of the tuition already paid will be refunded.
Refund Policy
CQC will issue refunds for tuition as follows:
60 days prior to camp - refund of camp fee minus deposit
30-59 days prior to camp - 1/2 refund of camp fee minus deposit
29-0 days prior to camp - no refund will be issued
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if CQC is able to fill the released slot with someone from the waitlist, CQC will refund the full amount including deposit.
In exceptional circumstances, CQC will consider the possibility of a full refund of all paid tuition, regardless of timing. Such situations will be considered on a case by case basis. Some circumstances that might warrant a full refund include:
In the event of a medical emergency or illness preventing the camper from attending, documented by a healthcare professional.
If the camper is unable to attend due to a natural disaster, evacuation order, or other force majeure events.
If the camp session is canceled by Camp Quest Chesapeake.
Other circumstances at the discretion of CQC management.
Should families believe that they may have a circumstance that warrants a full refund, please contact CQC as soon as possible for consideration.
Camperships (i.e. “camp scholarships”) are available to families demonstrating financial need. Interested families will be provided the option to indicate that they are requesting financial aid during camp registration and should complete the supplemental questions as part of the registration process. These questions address the nature of need, extenuating circumstances, and other information.
Campership applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and awards are granted until campership funds are exhausted.
Priority will be given to first-time applicants and those with the highest demonstrated financial need.
We are generally unable to provide full camperships. All registered campers are responsible for paying the non-refundable deposit to secure their slot before additional campership funding can be considered. Should CQC be unable to partially or fully award a campership request, families will be offered a refund of all amounts already paid - including the deposit - or the opportunity to pay the remaining balance.